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Ezronymius, 01 kwietnia AD 2001
(Menu: Teksty utworów / Black Metal. Przeczytano: 4334 razy. Komentarze: 4)


   Cries of the Haunted
   Why hast thou forsaken me?
   Why hast thou turned away thy face
   From me thy servant in distress
   Oh Lord bent me thine ear!
   All night long I drown in my tears
   My bones are vexed, my heart is sore and vexed
   Water rises to my lips
   My throat is sore, I cannot speak
   Lord I beg thee to free me of this grief
   Which still haunts my soul, and makes my heart grow cold
   I am merely all skin over bone
   My flesh is too weak to resist the temptations
   Which the evil layeth upon my path
   I fear I yield to this heavy burden
    "What has become of the son, who loved me
   for so many years and now calls me into doubt
   He who has worshipped me for so long
   Now lives under the spell of the wicked
   That brings his soul only further in Darkness
   Away from love and closer to hatred
   Don't you know that I'll always love you?
   Return to me and I'll take care of you
   I'll bring peace in your mind and rest in your troubled heart
   I will treat you as my son
   I'll make you a warrior of the Light"

   Nightly creatures still haunt my soul
   Crawling against the walls of my broken heart
   screaming inhuman blasphemous words
   Exalting the hordes of demon lords
   Where are you God?!?!
    "Here, waiting for you my son."
   I will always love you Lord
   Even in times of terrible Darkness
   Nothing can stop me from worshipping you
   Even if it means the end of my earthly life
   My Bleeding Heart
   My soul hungers for human blood, Every day I yearn for more
   With every kill, my human heart turns into stone
   I have killed sworn enemies, betrayed my closest friends
   I have dishonoured my clan, ’cause I once drank human blood
   Memories I tried to forget still haunt my soul
   The face of my first victim I shall never forget
   The look filled with horror and betrayal
   The face of the one I have loved for so many years
   I couldn’t live with this foul murder
   But I couldn’t resist the temptation
   My best friend I killed with great delight
   And I drank his blood as if it were wine
   Nothing could stop me from this endless killing
   For it was the only way to forget
   To forget my first kill
   The dying face of my eternally beloved
   For years I have lived without conscience
   For years I have lived only on human blood
   For years I have been unbeaten
   For eternity I feel the emptiness in my heart
   My bleeding heart
   The arrow piercing the flesh
   The slayer I thought I had beaten
   Now defeated me
   On my knees I beg for my life
   The slayer remembers me of my dead wife
   At last my Darkest memories have returned
   To torment my soul just before it burns
   Remorse is the only thing I can think of
   Forgiveness is the only thing I want
   Death is my only future
   Hell is where I belong
   With my dying breath I ask this rogue
   forgiveness for my unforgivable sins
   Her answer seemed so unreal
   her voice was not hers
   My old love spoke the words
   I feel complete
   I am saved
   The slayer saved me
   I owe her my life
   But I am already dead
   The Satanic Forest
   In the Forest, where night always dwells
   Chants of satanic rituals are sung
   To blaspheme the name of the Lord of Light
   And curse the ones standing under His might
   Screaming in the midst of the night, a creature rises
   To consume the souls of light
   With powers so unknown
   To impress even the saints
   And lure them into death
   Such are the prophecies from forgotten days.
   And the time is so near
   that Darkness will conquer its way
   out of the forest of the night
   to spread its might
   Calling for their Lord
   The Saints live in fear
   For the mark of the beast
   Which is 666
   The only way to buy some food
   But also the mark for the Doomed
   Lightning will pierce the night and bring the day
   The Conqueror of all
   The end has come for the spirits of evil
   And the fools with the mark on their hand
   The Satanic Forest burns in agony
   With the lost therein.
   Satan bound in chains for 1000 years
   A Kingdom of peace begins
   The Messias has come upon our earth to bring us a world of peace
   The Savior has won, from the Lord of demonic fallen angels
   He gave us His life, so that we could live for eternity in Heaven
   To become immortal you have to let Him live in your heart
   Chorus 1:
   Let us all gather in this holy place
   To bring praise and worship to the mighty Lord
   Open your heart and let Him enter
   And feel His love as you will pray
   The blood of the Martyr, who was slain on the cross
   brought death to the wicked and life to the dead
   The Sins of the world, He carried to his death
   And Death He did beat in the pools of hell
   Chorus 2:
   Heaven awaits the reborn souls
   And hell is for those, who let Him fall
   The battle He has won, so we shouldn’t fear
   Death if we live in the Lord
   You have come to earth to die
   You gave your life for us to live (2x)
   Darkness falls unto those
   who have rejected Jesus' sacrifice (2x)
   Your soul is not something you can throw away
   And not feel the consequence of your acts
   Jesus has given you a chance to live
   In heaven for eternity at His side
   Chorus 3:
   For once be serious in your life
   And accept the Lord as your only Lord
   Do not sell your soul to the lord of the dead
   ’cause once you're dead, you are unsaved
   De verdrongen tekenen
   (een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor twee)
   De aarde kreunt, maar niemand hoort haar
   De dieren sterven, maar niemand helpt ze
   De mens is verblind door zijn vijand
   Die hij beschouwt als zijn vriend
   De geest van de Satan leeft tussen ons allen
   Het verlangen naar rijkdom, genot en macht
   Verblindt het hart van ieder mens
   En dood de liefde voor zijn naaste
   De waarschuwing vergeten die Jahweh ons gaf
   De groei van rampen, oorlogen en geweld.
   Verbaast ons allen, ook al is het ons verteld
   In het boek der openbaringen
   Deze tekenen gaan vooraf aan het eind van deze tijd
   De komst van de Anti-Christ en zijn Rijk
   De mens ziet hem als zijn held, en aanbidt de draak die hem gezonden heeft
   De verdrongen tekenen gebeuren om ons heen
   Maar niemand, niemand herkent ze behalve
   Wij die leven in de Heer, genaamd Jahweh
   De God van Israel, Jezus Christus en de Heilige Geest
   De drie eenheid van de bijbel
   Zie je dan niet, dat alles gebeurt
   Zoals God ons heeft voorspeld in Zijn Woord?
   Wat wil je nog meer als bewijs?
   Jezus is de machtigste levende God
   My Eternal Beloved
   At last our eyes, they meet again
   I feel a shiver through my veins
   Your eyes they look so cold
   It makes my heart bleed
   Every single day my love for you grows
   Every day this torment shrieks through my soul
   I have made the wrong choice, to fall in love with you
   Daughter of Darkness, you hate to dwell in light
   Now, I have to abandon you for my soul's sake
   There is no future for us, only my dreadful sorrow
   Your cold stare still burns in my heart
   Don't leave me with this pain, walk with me into the light
   I shall always love you
   My eternal beloved
   In hell I burn
   The Night, The screams, The Blood, the horror
   the stench, the flames, the despair, the pain
   I burn in the pools of hell
   My flesh, it reeks of corpses
   I wish I was just a corpse
   then the pain would stop torturing me forever
   salt in my open wounds
   burning through my senses
   my heart scorched black by the flames
   as black as my soul in my earthly life
   Noooo, Lord
   please, forgive me
   I am too late, my soul is already condemned
   for eternal torture in this pool of hell
   I remember the face of Jesus
   At the Day of Judgement
   when He watched me being condemned
   for not accepting His Sacrifice
   God, I wish I accepted Your love in my life
   so I would never burn in this agony
   I wish my soul was not spent
   So I would reign beside you as a king
   To praise the Unpraised
   Your name I call in this darkened world
   Where the night dwells in every place
   But I know You will return and bring
   A Kingdom of love and peace
   And end the terror, under
   the reign of the anti-christ
   Come and surround us with Your beauty
   End this sorrowful time and bring Your light
   The night shall shiver by the sound of Your voice
   And flee from Your coming holy light
   Call Thy name I will forever
   Nothing will prevent me from doing so
   And Your love I will caress for eternity
   And Your enemies I will oppose until the end.
   Come and show us Your glory
   Depart, evil spirits of Lucifer
   Let justice be done
   Let Your enemies burn in their defeat
   Come and show us Your strength and glory
   Depart, evil spirits of Lucifer
   Let justice be done in this darkened world
   Let Your enemies burn in their defeat
   Consumed by Flames
   Once upon a time, There was a majestic empire
   The Empire of Darkness, ruled by the emperor, with powers so great
   He tortured his slaves, and drank their blood to please his lust
   With a blaze of holy light
   A warrior entered the realms of night
   Alone, unarmed he increased his pace
   To meet the emperor face to face
   But the emperor did not want to see this man
   And send his loyal knights to seize this man
   But their swords couldn’t cut this man's flesh or bones
   And with one look the man turned the knights into stone
   The sight of defeat enraged the dark lord
   He gathered his angels and raised his sword
   But it was time to realize this battle could not be won
   Yet the loss of his angels only increased his crimson thorn
   With eyes of fire, the Emperor unleashed his cry
   And heaved his sword, to make the warrior die
   But his sword he clumsily lost
   And he saw it vanish in a cloud of dust
   And when the cloud of dust withdrew
   He saw the face of the enemy he knew
   Fear of death haunted his mind
   but the victor was just too kind
   Instead of killing him, He took away his pride
   As he gathered his old slaves at his side
   And he led them to the Kingdom of the Light
   and freed them from captivity in the Empire of Night
   With his departure He casted a blaze of fire
   And sulfur and flames replaced the water of the mire
   And the ones who stayed behind were consumed by flames
   And the ones who were freed were called the saints
   But the emperor has escaped a certain death
   And now leads others to their eternal death


Redakcja Usvart-Zine nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść komentarzy zamieszczonych poniżej.

Re: SLECHTVALK - Falconry
Marshall, skomentowano dnia : 07 kwietnia AD 2003 @ 15:48.
Mam do sprzedania 2 płytki Slechtvalk - "Falconry" oraz "The War That Pleagues The Lands". Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany - pisz:

Re: SLECHTVALK - Falconry
w, skomentowano dnia : 05 maja AD 2003 @ 15:33.
zabić marshala

Re: SLECHTVALK - Falconry
Marshall, skomentowano dnia : 24 września AD 2003 @ 16:23.
Oj tak, poproszę.

Re: Re: SLECHTVALK - Falconry
fafafa, skomentowano dnia : 21 listopada AD 2004 @ 00:06.
Marshall: za ile?

Ilość komentarzy: 4.

Więcej o Slechtvalk
  • Fotki z koncertów (2004-09-20)
  • Slechtvalk - The War That Plagues The Lands (2003-11-24)

  • Razem: 2 artykuły.

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