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Ezronymius, 18 września AD 1999
(Menu: Teksty utworów / Black Metal. Przeczytano: 4304 razy. Komentarze: 0)

ANTESTOR - The Return Of The Black Death (teksty oryginalne)

   Teksty, nie wszystkie (w oryginale).
   W kwadratowych nawiasach znajdują się teksty, które nie znalazły się na wkładce płyty.
   2. "A Sovereign Fortress"
   In You, I have taken refuge
   Never let me be put to shame
   As You are righteous rescue me and save my life
   Hear me and set me free
   Be a rock of refuge for me, where I may
   Ever find safety at Your call
   For You are my towering crag and stronghold
   Keep my life safe from the wicked
   You are my hope [, oh Lord,] my trust [oh Lord] sice boyhood
   From birth I have been upon You
   My protector since I left my mother's womb
   Let all my troducers be shamed and dishonoured
   Let all those who seek my hurt be covered by scorn
   But I will wain in continual hope
   I will praise You again and again
   All day long Your righteousnessm
   Your saving acts shall be upon my lips
   You shall ever be the theme of my prise
   Your righteousness, Yours alone
   For You have done great things
   Who is like You?
   3. "Svartedauens Gjenkomst"
   (The Return Of Black Death)
   Det tordner i norges land
   Vinden herjer blant fjell og vann
   Tettpakket med tunge skyer
   Som ligger tett over norske byer
   Svartedauen er på vei igjen
   Smitter over på alle vordne menn
   Fra vikingtid vår samfunnsstrid
   En manndomskamp kjempes med flid
   Gjør klar til kamp
   Kjemp med svettedamp
   Din gud vil med deg stride
   Nederlag vil du ei lide
   Dypt inn i skogens skygge
   Ligger mørkets menn så trygge
   Men vikingmann har ingen frykt
   En hellig man har gitt ham lykt
   4. "Sorg"
   Inn i sjelens dype mørke
   Hvor livet sviner hen
   Der tomhet har sitt rike
   Og intet blir igjen
   Hvordan skal jeg kunne leve
   Min sjel så høyt forhatt
   Sorg er hva jeg føler
   Alt så ensomt og forlatt
   Av hele min kropp jeg kjemper
   Men ingen krefter har
   Finnes det håp i mørket
   Vise vei til dat som var
   Har sorgen vunnet sin seier
   Hvor kan jeg finne håp
   Lyset som glimtet i mørket
   Var kun sorgens dåp
   5. "The Bridge Of Death"
   Weakened by the things I've done
   Blackened has my soul become
   satan says he'll set me free
   But he's a loser just like me
   The things I've done in the past
   It haunts my soul and kills at last
   My life is a path of pain
   No light and laid in chains
   My effort contains no meaning
   The strength I had - now weakening
   As time passes the soul is screaming
   The wall of grief inside increasing
   Father, I don't need this emotions
   Why won't You just stop the pain
   My heart become hard as stone
   I've brought upon myself a wall
   [Jesus, You fought the battle for me
   Help me to see that You have set me free]
   How can I manage the life
   I don't receive as much as I give
   The dark side of an emotional soul
   Will not let this become his goal
   A struggle against the evil within
   A fight which no man can ever win
   Fooled by the lie, och changing destiny
   I fought the truth, never rest in peace
   Is there a way, how can I pay?
   [Jesus, You fought the battle for me
   Help me to see that You have set me free]
   6. "Gamlelandet"
   (The Land Of The Elders)
   Svake menn med veike hjerter
   Lar seg derfor snarlig lure
   De sluker alt som tilbys dem
   Landet blir ei deres hjem
   Faller for et fremmed folk
   Som frister med dødens liv
   De vet ikke hva de gjør
   Bringer ulykke bak hver en dør
   Satans barn langveisfra
   Kommer hit med falske hap
   Fordømmelse over den norske mann
   Fortærer det ganske land
   La blikket ei fra veien vike
   Norske menn i det sanne lys
   La deg ei fra lysey lure
   Da skal ingen kunne deg kue
   10. "Ancient Prophecy"
   Too bad you won't live
   But then again who does
   I was dead but now I live
   And they who live they are dead
   It's not a good thing to live in fear
   Someone who is in fear of living
   No one lives without fear
   Wake up, it's time to die
   Weak is the strong
   Strong is they who weep
   Sad is the truth
   And laughs are for few
   Not an easy thing
   To meet your maker
   Everyone will see him face to face
   No escape beyond his domination
   Plain is simple
   Skinned to core

Więcej o Antestor
  • Fotki z koncertów (2004-09-20)
  • * Distro Blastbeats (2001-10-10)
  • * Strona: (2001-10-10)
  • In the Shadow of Death - A Scandinavian Extreme Music Compilation (2001-04-12)
  • ANTESTOR - Martyrium (teksty oryginalne) (2001-04-04)
  • ANTESTOR - strona producenta (2001-01-18)
  • BobFest 2000 "Metal For Jesus Festival" (2000-04-27)
  • ANTESTOR - The Return Of The Black Death (1999-09-06)
  • ANTESTOR - The Return Of The Black Death (1999-08-20)

  • Razem: 9 artykułów.

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